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 "Stop Covid-19" Poster

State Government of Victoria, 2020

Covid-19 pandemic has made our life worse, and the Government wants to increase people's attention to prevent the virus from spreading out.

Although children are less likely to develop Covid-19 and most schools have been closed, teaching children to wash their hands frequently especially when coming back home is still a necessary precaution.


In response to this, I targeted children age 3-8 who love to watch cartoon series such as Peppa Pig and encouraged them to wash their hands frequently with Peppa. These children are familiar with the character, and they may encounter the advertisement on social media platforms.


Similarly, for younger children, parents can show them pictures and read words to them.


SMP: Covid-19 is something you should not get.




Hi my little citizen: I'm Peppa Pig and I invite you to wash hands with me! We can protect ourselves and our city! Remember to disinfect your hands with a bar of soap when you back home after touching anything in a store or outside.



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